Gather in Sunshine, I hold on to your love. Gather in Nightlight, I hold on to your love. Gather in music, I hold on to your love. Gather forever, I hold on to your love. Gather in seas, across the bubbling sea. Gather in the wind, feeling swift again. Tell my brother, do you see over the hills? Tell me my sister, do you gather and fill? Gathering sunshine to fill up our hearts. Gather in night time, where dreams hold us to thine. Gather my sisters, upon the face of illuminating grace. Those who stand up for, the Warrior down, upon his face. Tell the world, we are coming. Herds as mighty in the Kingdom of God. Hear the roar of thunder (gathering together around the world), it's a balancing sword (severing ignorance). Tear the face of injustice (a wild fire cleanses with destruction and purifies), into shreds (fire ceremonies and water blessings, ring bells of freedom), that light the sky. Rainbow colors, that's where I hide (within, the light shines, a soul resides). Gather in sunlight, I hold on to your love. Gather at nightlight, I hold on to this dove (together, we flock). Feel the skies tumbling down. Don't you want to feel this drown, reigning on your parade, but cleansing the day, when brothers sisters, remember to pray.
Gather in Sunshine, I hold on to your love. Gather in spring time, I hear the clouds emerge. Feel the roar of thunder, upon the mighty herds. God is coming now, upon the land, it's a scourge. And when the healing has come upon this land. Gather in sunshine, and demand. Where do you think you are going, if not upon this world. Here is a place God gifted, to man, in his girth. Gather in Sunshine. Hold on to my love. We are upon the face of this earth, and strong and mighty, like doves. Gather in sunshine, feel it glowing on your face. Know where the shout stands, to make our hearts a living grace. Gather sunshine, to hold our brothers hands. Gather in night luminosity, make your stand.
Many Rainbow Clan, make a mighty stand. We are part of God, because we know the call. We hear the winds of time. We sing our hearts and our minds. We are the gatherers of sunlight, from within, we shine. Gather in sunshine, hold on to our love. We are mighty rainbows, to storm like a herd. Gather sunlight, feel the tromp (to trample, stomp, defeat soundly and decisively) of your face, telling you how to believe, not allowing your perfect grace. But if we hold their hands (Through, a driving rhythm, a fast tempo and heavy stamping of the feet along the red road, we tromp the "lively social dance", the sun dance of our perfection. We become like a blast furnace, where fire and water greet and meet, through the purification rituals and blessings. And we become the essence where smoke, steam and clouds emerge an atmosphere, needed for paradise and the breath of life, for all our relatives, heavenly or earthly. We realize, we are the "Sun Dance" and "Gatherers of Light"), and make them understand, that freedom comes, when they trust their hearts instead (not their intelligence). It's evolution's call. And it's time for us to fall. Down upon our knees we pray, God save the day. Gather sunshine, to hold your hands. Gather in nightlight, to understand. It's a too and fro, my heart simply knows, that you need our love, it's what you understand, but you feel, no one knows, how hard it is to grow, but sunshine always knows.
Gather in sunshine, Gather in night's glow, gather over rainbows, as we are one clan. Gather over the seas. Gather over the lands. Gather together to make a stand. It's a rainbow clan. We are mighty, because we hold God's hands. We are the rainbow clan, because we trust our hearts and sing. We are the rainbow clan, we know, the many splendid colors bring, the whole of divine, the whole of man that shines. We are a light from within. The heart that learns to breath, we are the light within, the place, God leads us to shine. Gather in your sunshine. Gather in your dreams. We are going home to divinity.
It's time to hold on close. Trust the heart, and lean this most, upon the heart of man, who takes a dip, to understand. Over sailing seas, my heart belongs to thee. It's in the wind we sail, from shore to shore, into Galilee, it's a promise land. It's a place, we stand. It's where our dreams come from, to end upon in the sun. Gather in sunshine. Gather in the night. Know it's our hearts, that sing, believing in everything. It's time to dream. Gather with love. Gather light or darkness. Gather and bless. Gather, and know, the sacred nest. Gather to be one time, the sailing of dream in thine. Gather to be one heart, longing to sail, to distant parts. It's oneness, one sea, one lake for you and me. it's one time, it's one place, it's one heart, you and me. It's one sign, it's a new time, it's evolution that shines. It's where my heart knows, how to start, to gather in sunshine.
Gather in sunshine, I hold your hand. Gather in night's dreams, I understand, Hold our hearts near you, to bee a true, life for you and me. Gather in sunshine, I hold your love, inside my heart, I feel, like a dove. I gather, to illuminate the stars.
Holiness David Running Eagle Drums and White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings.
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•* ♫♪♥♪♫*•
I see you
I feel you
I hear you too!
I love you
I bless you, nine sacred directions, the splendid view!
I feel you
I hear you too!
I love you
I bless you, nine sacred directions, the splendid view!
Seven Sacred Teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman (More Than Words, 2009), which he co-wrote with Dr Joseph Martin, is stunningly illustrated by Kristy Cameron, and music by Swampfox, who created seven flutes out of seven different woods, each in a different key.
Seven Sacred Teachings to be Humility, Honesty, Respect, Courage, Wisdom, Truth, and Love, which are universal to First Nations peoples, and are the strongest link between First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities, which brought together six languages: English, French, Ojibwe, South Slavey, Bush Cree and Chipewyan.
The Aboriginal people in Canada refer to these teachings. Among the Ojibwe people they’re called the *Grandfather Teachings, amongst the Lakota and Dakota people (who used to be called the Sioux), they’re called the **teachings of White Buffalo Calf Woman. Among the Dene of the north and their cousins the Navaho in America, they call them the ***Dene Laws. But the teachings are very, very constant.
*The Creator gave the seven Grandfathers, who were very powerful spirits, the responsibility to watch over the people. The Grandfathers saw that the people were living a hard life. They sent their helper six different times to find a person who could be taught how to live in a good way with all of creation. Finally the seven Grandfathers’ helper found a baby boy, who because he was just born was pure enough to receive the teachings and bring these teachings back to the people. The Grandfathers were happy with the choice made by the helper. The baby boy is a symbol to people that it is important to start early when educating our young people and that they are already beginning to learn at a very young age. Babies are still very connected to the spirit world and understand this connection, which can be lost when people become adults.
While the boy was traveling with the helper they were visited seven times by spirits who told them about the gifts. Here is what they said:
To cherish knowledge is to know wisdom;
To know love is to know peace;
To honor all of Creation is to have respect;
Bravery is to face the foe with integrity;
Honesty in facing a situation is to be brave;
Humility is to know yourself as a sacred part of Creation;
Truth is to know all of these things.
The young boy was then put in the care of Otter who was to return the boy to his people to teach them what he had learned. The boy, because of all the time spent in the spirit world, was now an old man. The Old Man gathered all the people around and told them of his journey to the seven Grandfather’s lodge. He explained how to use the gifts. He explained that the opposite of any of the gifts would bring a negative result of that gift. It was now up to the people to try to follow the path of a good and healthy life using the seven Grandfather’s teachings.
Excerpts from the "Mishomis Book: Voice of the Ojibway,"
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Artist G E Mullan. Hope is the Child Love is the Gardener! |
Spirituality among Natives Americans and non-Native Americans has been a strong force for those who believe in the power of the Great Spirit or God.
It matters not what you call the Creator. What matters is that you pray to give thanks for your blessings and trust the guidance given to you from the world of Spirit. Many truths about Spirit are told and handed down from one generation to the next.
The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman tells how the People had lost the ability to communicate with the Creator. The Creator sent the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman to teach the People how to pray with the Pipe. With that Pipe, seven sacred ceremonies (left behind) were given for the people to abide in order to ensure a future with harmony, peace, and balance.
***Dene Laws
1Share what you have.
This is the umbrella law. Under it sit all the other laws. It was of absolute importance that people share what they had long ago just for survival. Share all the big game you kill. Share fish if you catch more than you need for yourself and there are others who don’t have any.
2Help each other.
Help Elders cut their wood and other heavy work. Help sick people who are in need. Get them firewood if they need it. Visit them and give them food. When you lose someone in death, share your sorrows with relatives who are also affected by the loss. Help out widows as much as possible and take care of the orphaned children..
3Love each other as much as possible.
Treat each other as brothers and sisters as though you are related. Help each other and don’t harm anyone.
4Be respectful of Elders.
Don’t run around when elders are eating. Sit down until they are finished.
5Sleep at night and work during the day.
Don’t run around and laugh loudly when it gets dark. Everyone should sleep when darkness falls.
6Be polite and don't argue with anyone.
Don’t harm anyone with your voice or your actions. Don’t hurt anyone with your medicine power. Don’t show anger.
7Young girls and boys should behave respectfully.
Don’t make fun of each other especially in matters of sex. Don’t make fun of older men and women. Be polite to each other.
8Pass on the Teachings.
Elders are to tell stories about the past everyday. In this way, young people learn to distinguish between good and unacceptable behavior and when they are older, they will become the storytellers who will keep the circle of life going.
9Be happy at all times.
The Creator has given you a great gift, Mother Earth. Take care of her and she will always give you food and shelter. Don’t worry-just go about your work and make the best of everything. Don’t judge people, find something good in everyone.
This is White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Akicita or Law bringer to the many directions of the Whole of the Rainbow Clan. There is only one law, that emerges, and it's the LAW of LOVE. It is often called the Red Road, because it's in the physical world, that allows our dreams to emerge and take flight over rolling hills in time. We enter the third phase of evolution, when the darkness of heaven and the lightness of earth fold together, as one space. We cannot depart from this reality, but we can only survive the cleansing of the solar system we belong to, the twin spiraling galaxy that collide, to bring us nearer and closer to each other's heartbeat and breath. We are all related, in the sacred journey of our lives. Now it will be those, who learn to walk with love upon their hearts and spoken to each other in humble bow of the Rainbow covenant, with the Great Spirit Father and Great Spirit Mother in Heaven on the Eastern Shore. Soon, all realms of all the heavens, will be joining us. Will your heart be prepared? I pray that your sacred nine directions stay blessed upon your space, the rolling hills of time. White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings for you, the blue seas . . . the wind in thee!
Today, a rolling river sprang in the heavens (heavenly hay fever, the golden seeds everywhere), pollen blossomed everywhere . Inside my heart, I was a Sun. I did feel the whole of God. I felt closer, like a cloud. And there my soul remembered liberty. I became a Sun, a light, that set me free. I could fly into heaven and beyond. I was in heaven's arms. (I realize, "I am a Sun Dance"!)
How do I bring this home to you, the heart, that longs to feel such blue. The sky that emerges, wonderfully, into a song, when we are free. I tell you all my relatives, it's time for us, to learn to swim. Fill up your hearts, let tears roll in. Let rivers flow, like springs endure. And pressures of this afterlife, did spring from God, the whole of Earth. A paradise did bloom in me. Where rivers, green grass set me free. And there upon such sacred lands, I want, no I demand. That you need love, in each of us. We need to know, we are loved and cared, to be a such-ness (breath taking), we did seek, the heart of the ever so meek. How do I bring this sacred walk, among the people, who they do talk, thinking all they need is intelligence, but in all this sin, they did not have to think. Follow your heart today. Feel what God has to say. Listen to neighbors who need a hand, gather together and have the wind. Keep into the place, where dreams come true. Walk the talk that you gift to all of you. Be the kindness, you feel free, in love's embrace, when you are flying in heaven's winds. This is how we begin to know, that we are the living breathing show. We are the heaven's soul, within, following the sailing winds. Now share the rivers of gold inside your heart. Listen to God, in each and every heart. Follow the true, with what they do, by being elders, who do the say, and use, "the sacred sun dance, I gift my heart". The "sacred sun dance, I gift my part". "Sacred Sun Dance, you are everything". "I am the blossom, that begins to ring!
. . . (Hear it, the bell of freedom, the low spiraling sound, in and out, we breathe our flight, let's show them the Sun Dance)."
Nine Sacred Directions:
Up and Down is the winds of time, where all pure and impure flow right through your heart. This is why you feel everyone and everything. This will only increase. The only way to survive, is with sacred blessings, to purify your life.
In and Out is the heartbeat, your soul and the breath (merkaba), your rainbow colors, together allowing awareness of soul flight over rolling hills or waves of light,the many splendid colors of the Rainbow Clan, the Buffalo people or Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy who emerge forth to lead the world, in unification.
Sacred all around is the place we stand, among the eight directions of our inner and outer light (all luminosity and numinosity of our rainbow colors). When we learn the path of love, along the Red Road, we receive treasures instead of lessons. Humility to each others allows the bow of humility and the validation of the heart's thread or dance. We evolve with our souls, in a spiraling pattern, called evolution. The world as we know it evolves as well as each of us has our own personal evolutionary state. We are all perfect, now we must only emerge triumphant, with sacred humility and the law of love. Many Natives Americans call this the Red Road, because the color red is the longest wave of the Rainbow colors, and thus can be picked up with other forms of transmission, like radio waves. Our fellow, Whales, Elephants and submarines use this powerful wave transmission for long distance communications)
North, South, East and West are considered cross roads, where division begins a sacred garden. This is known, as the blue road of the heart (soul, emerge) crosses the red road of the breathe (flesh, the hide or skin). Natives Americans teach this, because they are soul elders (physical children) of the world and caretakers for all the younger souls (physical elders), as the spiritual teachers or story tellers. It is from heaven, we remember stories, like our children, who remember heaven and share our sacred skills (young body, but wise mind - along the heart path). It is now a time when we share with our children and allow them to lead us home into the heart.
North West - Yellow is the color of the Child nation. This is the third rolling hill in time, the place we enter soon. It will be the Yellow people who will arise triumphant as leaders of the dream time. Yellow is the child, who creates. Often destruction is inherent in a child, because we must purify space, to begin a new sacred cycle, like when we burn a field before planting. We destroy and rebuild, to create Heaven on Earth once again! The impossible flight is known as we become our Dreams, bringing brotherhood. We share our hearts and our hands, together a family once again, for the seeds have blossomed forth, to bring in abundance for all.
North East - White is the color of the Father nation. This is the fourth rolling hill in time, when we must journey between the stars, because space has folded, to unite as one clan, who must journey for the continuation of existence. This drive is what makes the white people always emerging triumphant. But on the yellow rolling hill, the father nation must learn to return home to family and become the teacher in play, the dance of the winds. For it's the child who emerges to as the dream. However, the northeast, is the return to heavenly paths to converge and begin again. It is father who brings the seed of life, anew again!
South East - Black/Blue is the color of the Mother nation. This is the first rolling hill in time, the place we left along time ago. Where man and beast took care of each other, understanding the role of evolution's chime, to be brought home into time, the beginning of all birth. The blue is the road of heaven, and when it's so blue, it appears black. This darkness and emptiness sheds love upon the whole of God or Oneness towards the center. Here we feel the sacred embrace of a Mother. They are hidden, but devoted. Now, as we enter the third yellow rolling hill in time, law brings Mother to the forefront, to bring the blue road (law of song), to all the peoples in a very physical paradise. Embrace of heaven command our hearts!
South West - Red is the color of the Twin Child nation. Here the sun culminates, to give the ages of wisdom, to finally step back into the star's journey, the beloved sun dance. We gather stories and feel the embrace of spiritual knowledge only to pluck it in the winds. To be fierce, one only need stand up for love's path. Here the Red Man, brings teachings of all of the realms, as a child in the physical world, but as an elder of the spiritual world. The fierce warrior commands righteousness of heaven upon this land. The Red Woman brings law of love, as the twin heart. She reads your tears and directs you along the right path, where love rules and commands, wisdom beyond the land, the spiritual realization to all life. Here along the Red Road (law of love), we remember the sacred songs and dances, that bring us together once again. The path of the Red Road, evolution's dance upon the rolling hills in time.
Horizon - East to West
Eastern shore brings transformation of a lifetime, which begins our sacred journey. We start where our heavenly soul emerges at birth as a baby voicing and singing, to old age, to become heavenly realms of the heart. Once again, returning home to heaven with our soul. We understand this as death of the physical body, yet it's a beginning of our heavenly journey, the circle of life.
On the Western shore, beings are born in the earthly flesh and the many splendid colors of our Rainbow Colors unite with the soul, to become the sacred, walking talking or Wakan Tankan, the great spirit within flows in the wind "I am a Sun Dance again"! We begin to glorify paradise and realize all life is sacred knowledge, if we could only listen, to the dance of the Rainbow Clan, relatives, reflecting kinships.
Fire and water unite (steam, smoke, clouds), to bring the Morning Star, the sacred path, along the Red Road (law of love, stand up, walking, giving) and Blue Road (law of song, talking, validation-echo, receiving). Moving back and forth between realms is the journey of the snake, the curved path (along the wave lengths or rainbow colors), that flows from heaven, back to earth and back again to heaven. This journey follows the Golden Yellow path, where the voice of the soul and the warrior of the flesh unite, between Heaven and Earth. Welcome home, Rainbow Clan to your Dreams. To know more about the four roads, red, blue, yellow, then the white star that shines in the heavens, please visit
Magnetic North shifting to Magnetic South - Poles Aligns towards the center of the relative. Up will be southern and down will be northern. It will appear, that heaven (female) reigns once again!
Pray With Elders around the World
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!
The legend of the White Buffalo Calf Woman tells how the People had lost the ability to communicate with the Creator. The Creator sent the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman to teach the People how to pray with the Pipe. With that Pipe, nine sacred ceremonies are gifted for the people to abide in order to ensure a future with harmony, peace, and balance.
I am a Sun Dance |
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